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About the Program

The Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health was founded within the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz in 2000 and opened its doors to the first class of students the following year. Today PPGHCS is recognized at home and abroad as a leading center in the history of the sciences, especially biomedicine and health. The Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES/MEC) has accredited our master’s and doctoral programs and awarded them both the agency’s top grade (5).

The cornerstone of our program is a dual commitment to faculty and student academic production of the highest quality and to active engagement with our fields of interest. Enforcement of this principle fosters and expands exchange efforts, strengthens our ties with the academic world at large, and helps us fulfil our social role of training specialists who contribute to society.

At PPGHCS, we believe that the analysis of science and health as objects of historical importance encourages broader reflection on the relationship between this knowledge and the demands and challenges of Brazilian society. With this in mind, we are committed to playing an increasingly larger role in shaping the national research and teaching agenda.

Our program is tailored primarily to persons holding bachelor’s degrees in the human, social, health, and biological sciences. It focuses on three lines of research: the history of biomedical science, the history of medicine and disease, and the history of health policies, institutions, and professions.

Both the master’s and doctoral programs are full time and admit 18 and 12 students per year, respectively.

When available, scholarships are awarded pursuant to Grant Committee criteria and in keeping with the terms defined by research agencies (CAPES, CNPq).

Students who fulfill the requirements stipulated in the program regulations receive the title of Master or Doctor of the History of the Sciences and Health.

Program Chair
Kaori Kodama

Assistant Program Chair
Lorelai Brilhante Kury

Graduate Committee
Cristiana Facchinetti
Maria Rachel Fróes da Fonseca
Simone Petraglia Kropf
Ramon Feliphe Souza (student representative)


Encontro às Quintas

Ofertas e práticas curativas à margem da biomedicina: o mercado terapêutico da região central da Argentina (sécs. 19 e 20) foi o tema da apresentação da pesquisadora do instituto Investigaciones Socio Históricas Regionales (Ishir) do Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) Maria Dolores Rivero no próximo Encontro às Quintas.



Centro de Documentação e História da Saúde (CDHS) - sala 307                                                                 
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Av. Brasil, 4365, Manguinhos - Rio de janeiro. CEP 21040-900
Tel.: (+ 55 21) 3865-2286 / 3865-2287 / 3865-2288
Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

Matrícula e inscrição em disciplinas 2024

Calendário acadêmico 2024

Conheça o programa





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