Non-degree Graduate Program, Extension Courses, and Professional Training
18/04/2017Non-degree Graduate Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health The Non-degree Graduate Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health prepares professionals for careers as both practitioners and academics. It emphasizes the planning and execution of initiatives aimed at the preservation and
Master’s and PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health
18/04/2017The Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health conducts three lines of research: the history of medicine and disease; the history of the biomedical sciences; and the history of health policies, institutions, and professions. As part of an endeavor to comprehend the processes by which scientific practices and fields have emerged and
Archival Science, Documentation, and Information
18/04/2017At the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, research and professional practice go hand in hand in the fields of archival science, documentation, and information. Facets of the creation, preservation, and use of archival records are examined from the historical perspectives of archives, records, documentation, memory, and documental and cultural heritage. Other key research explores the personal
Public Communication of Science
18/04/2017The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz conducts research into the public communication of science at museums and through the media. Three of its notable partnerships with other research groups in Brazil and abroad are: the Ibero-American Network for Monitoring and Training in Science Journalism (Cyted); the Network for Measuring the Impact of the Popularization of Science
Architecture, Urban Planning, and Cultural Heritage in Health
18/04/2017This research group aims to investigate the relations between heritage, architecture, urban planning, and health from both the historical and technological perspectives. Focusing on urban evolution, the group explores architectural styles and languages, especially from the 20th century. Its research lines and projects endeavor to reflect on the topic of the city within its historical
History of the Sciences and Health
18/04/2017Research at the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz focuses on the history of the sciences and health. Casa scholars have investigated multiple topics related to the institutionalization of the sciences and health in Brazil and have explored the practices, knowledge production, and public policies that have shaped these fields from the colonial period through today. The
18/04/2017History of the Sciences and Health Architecture, Urban Planning, and Cultural Heritage in Health Public Communication of Science Archival Science, Documentation, and Information History of the Sciences and Health Ana Teresa Acatauassú Venâncio ana-teresa.venancio@fiocruz.br PhD in Social Anthropology (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 1998) Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and
Visual Identity
18/04/2017The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz’s logo is a stylized interpretation of a mosaic tile from a sidewalk at Fiocruz Castle, which is part of the foundation’s historical heritage in Rio de Janeiro and one of Brazil’s finest examples of neo-Moorish architecture. As an allusion to the Castle – the Fiocruz logotype – the symbol identifies
Social Cooperation
18/04/2017The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz is directly involved in the social cooperation initiatives conducted in neighborhoods and communities adjacent to Fiocruz in Rio de Janeiro. These projects, which are conducted in socially vulnerable areas, engage young people and adults in activities that value local knowledge, develop citizenship, and advance social inclusion. Three initiatives that draw
International Cooperation
18/04/2017The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz promotes initiatives on various fronts in cooperation with Brazilian and foreign institutions. This includes research on such topics as the history of the sciences and health, archives and records, heritage preservation, education, and the public communication of science. With a view to enhancing the exchange of practices, knowledge, and culture